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Im curious the girl that Ythogtha chose to birth Kaireus whatever happened to her?

Come on

When will the next update be?

I like fap mode rate 9.5/10


I'm so sick of these tentacle locker knock-offs.


then don't play them simple as that hun


fair enough lol

Good game, keep up the good work.


Looking  like a 2018 game💀


I played the demo of this, and I did enjoy it. However, I don't want to get the full game as this game is just a worse version of tentacle locker. The movement is clunky and slow, the camera pans to reveal not enough the screen at a time, and the detection is very inconsistent, people sitting in stools completely ignore a girl getting grabbed within an inch of them, whereas girls walking can spot an abductee from the edge of the screen. I just can't recommend this game, as like I said, there's the better alternative. 

sorry but every time i catch the detective on level 10 the game freezes up and then closes, anything i could do to fix this?


the mobile controls are not showing up in the game

Hello you can manual activate it in the setting


it just gives me the option for audio and full screen on the web version 


Tentacle locker but better, nice.


Thank you!

can I play this on iOS?

Hello, as of the moment only the webdemo is available for ios users

Hey I bought this game over a year ago, and apparently at some point i uninstalled it, but when I re download it im no longer getting the fullgame, only the dem

can you dm us in discord

Since your name is YUKARI, can you make a game about Yukari from Touhou?

Uncensored version:

hmmmn, we'll think about it

Why would it be black to catch a girl and show off


It's fun. Is there anything more interesting?

thanks, have you tried playing our other games?

It won’t let me play on iPhone 

Hello, as of the moment only the web demo is available for ios users




Will it be possible to buy full version on itch using credit card? Using PayPal for NSFW games purchases is unsafe for neither the buyer nor the seller.

agree with musical74 trying to capture detective in lv 10 of windows version of this game crashes the game its bugged


Hello we already fixed this, please update your game

Think the latest version is bugged; when you try to catch the detective, it shuts down, Windows downloaded version. I had Win7 but upgraded to 10 and the glitch still exists. Barring that, love it!

Hello please download the latest update, this is fixed

Hello, thank you for the love and support! We made a hotfix on the latest update please try it.

It's like tentacle locker but you have targets.

Will this game be available on Steam?


any progress on the game? Patreon has been silent.




@yukari-chan we have a problem on discord


What is the difference between full and demo?


Less movement

isn't there a scene when you catch a girl? so you can see them in the barrel? not showing up for me.

found it. just press "j"

Oi quando inicio o jogo as meninas aparecem com uma "caixa preta, corrija porfavor

Hi, what device are you using?


Android 10


what the difference between free and paid version 

lol, hab geld bezahlt und kann trotzdem nur die demo spielen, scam

Have you downloaded the TBP Full version? 

(1 edit)

just demo version available for windows, maybe for other platforms too on both yukarigames page and user library on

I just tried, its working perfectly if you donated at least $8. 

(1 edit)

there was written 2 dollars, did i purcharse the demo with that?

its ok and all, i was just wondering

No it was free iirc

Your game (Tentacle beach party ) looks amazing! Can I make a video playing it? I will add where it can be bought  and your Patreon ^^(knowing that I post it on porn website and get some ad revenue from my videos) thanks for reading me!

Sure, ofcourse! :) 

Is it possible to have a customise mode for chara like we Can change how one would look like then See the scene

Do you think you could add android 18 or Bulma at some point? Maybe even kefla?

I noticed something tonight, that if a gal is sitting down, she's totally uncaring that tentacles are going after others or if they finish and a gal is sitting down nearby, the woman sitting nearby is "eh, I don't care". Is that intentional? If they are walking and see it they'll respond but sitting down they don't give a rip. The loungers could be because they are sleeping, but the ones that are sitting on a stool...are the drinks really that potent?

Looking forwards to seeing how you intend to make Wednesday (who tends to be 10-12 for most media) as an adult and when I can have fun with Erza and be rewarded for it!

And how to play?

Hi! What device are you using? Are you sure you've downloaded the updated version? 

Oi amigo eu amei seu jogo mais eu não tenho condições de compralo, e quando eu instalo a versão gratuita fica tudo preto os personagens, mais parabéns pelo ótimo jogo sinto muito não poder te ajudar mais eu queria muito comprar o jogo mais estou sem dinheiro desculpe.

Thank you :) I appreciate it!

On the browser it doesn't load, i'm just shown this loading screen. I've already been waiting for a few minutes can you fix this?


Hi! What device are you using? 


im using a macbook

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